How to Get MaBelle Coupon Code
Expiration Date:1/15/2015
Category:Accessories > Jewelry
MaBelle, a Hong Kong company specializing in diamond jewelries, has now grown into a colossal business chain ever since its inception on the 29th August, 1993. It gains such broad network and becomes one of the leading brands in accessories for several reasons. By marking the price clearly and fairly, MaBelle has successfully changed the way women used to purchase jewelry; featuring regardful and customized service, MaBelle has gained huge customer base; offering a breadth and depth of selection that is unmatched, MaBelle helps find the chic kicks rare in the market; setting high standards and aiming to work collaboratively in partnership with it talented teams and advanced machine, the company is able to provide cost efficient solution for trend-minded women. Due to its unparalleled customer service and trendy jewelries in high quality, MaBelle has won awards almost every year. MaBelle is at (852) 2971 2222.