Royal Albert Coupon Codes/Promo Codes, Holiday Discount Code Deals

Last updated on March 20, 2017


Royal Albert

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Founded on 1st May, 1904, Royal Albert operates under WWRD United Kingdom Ltd. Its history can be traced back to 1896 when Thomas Wild Senior and his son bought Queen Victoria's Consort - Albert Works. By producing commemorative china artware for Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee in 1897, Albert Works, the later Royal Albert, was presented with Royal Warrant. Royal Albert never fails to live up to the honor. It applies classy china to bring flawless art of work. The products from Royal Albert features royal floral pattern from early Victorian Chintz to Art Deco floral. They are all elegantly designed and the company also asks the world's leading designers and lifestyle brands like Vera Wang and Gordon Ramsay to participate in designs. So far, there are 9 collections that Royal Albert is currently running. All the tableware have been carefully selected. Royal Albert is at 1-877-720-3488.

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